FRM101 Electret microphone (MONO)
FRM101 (MONO) mutant modular field recording microphones.
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Electret condenser microphone perfect for all kind of environments such as nature sounds, ambiences, field recordings or musical purposes.
Suitable any portable recorder with “Mic In” input with plug-in power also with DSLRs with mic input (See wiring description below).
Also you can plug it in directly to your phone with a Smartphone TRRS adapter.
(Check your phone wiring CTIA / OMTP)
-10mm capsule
-Wide Dynamic range
-Low noise
- High Sensitivity
-Operating voltage (2-9V) ***PLUG-IN POWER ONLY***
-Current consumption: 650uA (V...=6V)
-Impedance 1Kohm +-3cB at 1Khz (RL= 1Kohm)
-Sensitivity -44dB +-3dB at 1kHz
-2,5mm diameter microphone cable
-Out 3,5mm jack
-Compatible with 8mm clip
Check all accesories
Integrate with your modular via our Preamp + our Plug-in power board